Home School Association

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Home School Association Overview

Welcome to the School of St. Elizabeth and the Home School Association.  Family involvement, whether participating in events or serving as volunteers, is what makes St. E’s more than a school. We are a faith-filled community. Fundraising opens the doors to Catholic education to more students by keeping tuition manageable. Our community and spiritual events open our hearts to grow closer to each other and to God. Please prayerfully consider how your talents and gifts can help community grow!

The main purpose of the Home School Association (HSA) is to provide service, social and fundraising programs that benefit and support the students and the school. The HSA Board is comprised of volunteer parents, committed to the mission of the School of St. Elizabeth, who serve a two year term in the roles of Co-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Spirituality, Hospitality, Publicity/Communications and Cultural Affairs. In addition, committees are formed in support of HSA events. Once a child is enrolled in the School of St. Elizabeth, the family automatically becomes a member of the HSA.

Parent meetings, sponsored by the HSA, are held monthly and alternate between morning (8:45am) and evening (7pm). These meetings give parents an opportunity to learn about what’s happening at the school from Mr. Venezia and the faculty and staff. Parents also get an update from the HSA. Parents are encouraged to ask questions, offer ideas and voice opinions to the school and the HSA. All parents are encouraged to attend monthly HSA meetings. Our meeting dates can be found on our full Calendar.

